Social Media is really about SEO! A good Social Media Marketing strategy utilizes Google's algorithms to increase rankings of your website and to rank your Social Media accounts and postings and serve them to the user when the right search terms are entered in Google.
Google loves backlinks, which, by definition, are links on other sites back to your site. The higher the value of the site where the link to your website is posted, the higher the value to your rankings on Google.
As you'll learn in my Simple Social Media course, Social Media is divided into M-LevelsTM
Level-1 Social Media tools are those tools where content is created and Level-2 tools are the Social Media sites where the Level-1 postings are shared. Posting directly on Level-2 Social Media tools works only if you have strong engagement. This means that whenever you post something people react and they post comments, likes and shares!
Most people will not experience a very active "viral" response to Social Media postings, so we must create Valuable, Keyword-rich, Relevant and Target Market content on our Level-1 Social Media tools in order to get results.
You can learn more about Social Media M-Levels(TM) on my Simple Social Media Course on In the meantime, here's your assignment:
Go to and watch the free Preview of my Simple Social Media Udemy course, "Can Social Media Really Make a Difference to Your Business".
If you are interested in viewing the entire course you can use the Promo Code BLOGGER or just click on the link below and you'll be able to take this amazing course for a reduced price of $25.00. The course is full of amazing, practical knowledge on how to use Social Media tools to grow your business. I hope that you enjoy the course!
Best Success to You!
Manny Sarmiento - Social Media Mann(y)