Thursday, November 21, 2013

What is WordPress? - How to Set Up WordPress on 1and1, GoDaddy and HostGator

These are the instructions for setting up WordPress Website on your Internet Service Provider, ISP,, GoDaddy and Host Gator. 


WordPress® is a personal publishing platform, or content management system, that you can use to set up a blog on your website.
To Install WordPress on Your Hosting Account
1.    Log in to your Account Manager.
2.    Click Web Hosting.
Click one of the following, based on the type of hosting you have. You can tell this by the second word in your hosting's description beneath your hosting account's domain name, e.g. Deluxe Web correlates to Web (Hosting Control Panel).

1.    Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Launch.
2.    In the Popular Apps section, click WordPress.
3.    Complete the on-screen fields, and then click OK:
·       Domain — Select the domain on your account you want to use.
·       Directory — Enter the directory after the domain name where you want to install WordPress. If you want the domain name itself to use WordPress, the directory field should only have "/" entered.
·       Enter a Username, a Password (and its confirmation), and an Email Address.
WordPress will be installed to your hosting account with the options you selected within 24 hours. When it is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.


Install WordPress via QuickInstall - Hostgator
1.     Login to cPanel.

2.     Scroll down to the Software/Services section and click on the QuickInstallicon/link.


3.     On the left, under Blog Software, click on WordPress


4.     Click on Continue.


5.     Fill out the Application URL, if needed.
Note: This is the path where you want to install WordPress. If you leave this field blank, WordPress will be installed to your main domain. If you use blog in this field, WordPress will be installed to Don't leave this blank if you don't want WordPress to be your main website or if you already have content on the root of your account.

6.     Fill in the rest of the fields and options (the email, blog title, first and last name can be changed later through the WordPress Dashboard)

7.     Click Install Now!

8.     After WordPress is finished installing, you should see a "Congratulations!" message like the one below with a link to click here. Click that link, and it will bring you to your newly installed WordPress blog!


Your admin password will be emailed to you at the email address you provided in step 7. Retrieve your password and then visit the URL to which you installed WordPress, adding /wp-admin
Visit our login tutorial for more information on how to log into WordPress.
Note: If you recently changed your name servers or DNS records, it is possible that you will not be able to access your new WordPress installation until the domainpropagates. This could take up to 24 to 48 hours.

Login to

Go to Website/Applications
                Click on “1and1 App Center”

Click on “Click & Build”

Click on “Install” in the WordPress Tab

Click “Install in Free Mode”

Accept “Terms of Use”

In General Tab /  Installation Settings
                Enter Name of the Site
                Select “Existing Domain”
                                Arrow down and select a domain

In Application Setting
                Create an Administrator LogIn (Cannot be admin”
                Create a Password
                Enter Administrator Email
                Enter Website Title
                Click “Continue”

In Database Tab
                Select “New Database”
                                Write a “Description”
                                Create a Password
                                Repeat the Password
                                Set Table Prefix
                                                Leave as Is or give it a new name
                Click Continue

In Webspace
                If only one site is hosted leave it as is
                If several sites are hosted click on “…” and create a “New” Folder

In Summary
                Click “Install”

You will see “Installing”. When WordPress installation is ready (15 min to 2 hours) 1and1 will send you an email, or you can refresh the page to see if the installation is ready.

Remember to select Linux Hosting and SQL Database Option for your hosting.

What is WordPress - WordPress Training and Classes Miami
WordPress Training and Classes Miami Courses